Sunday 27 January 2013

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is growing in popularity, but did you know that it has many, many uses other than just for cooking? Here is a list of what we have used coconut oil for;

  • ·         Cooking – I use it in the frying pan and also to grease pans.

  • ·         Moisturizer – I currently use coconut oil as my facial moisturizer. At first your skin may seem oily but that does go away.

  • ·         Makeup remover. Just put a little on a cloth and wipe! Works great on eye makeup. I was really surprised by how well it actually works. You can also mix with baking soda. This is my new face wash and my face is left feeling clean, and radiant. It doesn’t dry your face out and works amazing for blackheads and gunk on your nose. We recently finished off a spice bottle so I clean it and put the baking soda in it. Now I just sprinkle a little bit in my hand and then wash away.

  • ·         Ladies! ( and possibly gents) you know those annoying bumps on the back of our thighs? Well I have tried lots of scrubbing and different lotions and nothing has made them better – Except! Coconut Oil!  It has made such a difference, only a few days of use and they were almost all gone.

  • ·         Breastfeeding Mommas – Coconut Oil is great for sore, cracked or dry nipples and is safe for baby too

  • ·         Babies - Great for a dry bum or diaper rash.

  • ·         Babies- Works wonders on Cradle cap.

  • ·         Burns – just dap a little on, yes I burnt myself the other day and it helped a lot.

  • ·         Deodorant – Yes you read that right, and yes that means I use Coconut oil as my deo. I am pretty lucky in that I don’t sweat very much at all. So this works great for me.  There are also a few combos you can do using coconut oil, baking soda and arrowroot powder? 

  • ·         Dry/itchy skin – soothes the itch and moisturizes the skin.

  • ·         Bruises- So miss klutz here fell down the stairs the other day, I’m ok and very thankful Kaleesi wasn’t in my arms. My right arm and butt took most of the impact. My arm got carpet burned pretty good and was stinging so I put coconut oil on it. I was expecting a nasty bruise to form because my arms bruise easily as does the rest of my body. However the only place a nasty bruise developed is on my ass which didn’t get the coconut oil. So whether this is just a fluke or not I shall never know, but hey it can’t hurt J

  • ·         Chapped Lips – It will moisturize those luscious lips and apparently coconut oil has a SPF of about 4!  
There are many other uses of Coconut Oil, as I have said these are just the ones that we have used and that work. If you have used Coconut Oil for something not listed above and it worked we would love to hear about it! 


  1. Hey guys! LOVE that you two are doing this! Just wondering is it 'organic' coconut oil that you're using?

  2. Thank you!! Yes we use Organic Coconut Oil. It can seem a bit expensive but a little goes a Long way! :)
