Sunday 27 January 2013

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is growing in popularity, but did you know that it has many, many uses other than just for cooking? Here is a list of what we have used coconut oil for;

  • ·         Cooking – I use it in the frying pan and also to grease pans.

  • ·         Moisturizer – I currently use coconut oil as my facial moisturizer. At first your skin may seem oily but that does go away.

  • ·         Makeup remover. Just put a little on a cloth and wipe! Works great on eye makeup. I was really surprised by how well it actually works. You can also mix with baking soda. This is my new face wash and my face is left feeling clean, and radiant. It doesn’t dry your face out and works amazing for blackheads and gunk on your nose. We recently finished off a spice bottle so I clean it and put the baking soda in it. Now I just sprinkle a little bit in my hand and then wash away.

  • ·         Ladies! ( and possibly gents) you know those annoying bumps on the back of our thighs? Well I have tried lots of scrubbing and different lotions and nothing has made them better – Except! Coconut Oil!  It has made such a difference, only a few days of use and they were almost all gone.

  • ·         Breastfeeding Mommas – Coconut Oil is great for sore, cracked or dry nipples and is safe for baby too

  • ·         Babies - Great for a dry bum or diaper rash.

  • ·         Babies- Works wonders on Cradle cap.

  • ·         Burns – just dap a little on, yes I burnt myself the other day and it helped a lot.

  • ·         Deodorant – Yes you read that right, and yes that means I use Coconut oil as my deo. I am pretty lucky in that I don’t sweat very much at all. So this works great for me.  There are also a few combos you can do using coconut oil, baking soda and arrowroot powder? 

  • ·         Dry/itchy skin – soothes the itch and moisturizes the skin.

  • ·         Bruises- So miss klutz here fell down the stairs the other day, I’m ok and very thankful Kaleesi wasn’t in my arms. My right arm and butt took most of the impact. My arm got carpet burned pretty good and was stinging so I put coconut oil on it. I was expecting a nasty bruise to form because my arms bruise easily as does the rest of my body. However the only place a nasty bruise developed is on my ass which didn’t get the coconut oil. So whether this is just a fluke or not I shall never know, but hey it can’t hurt J

  • ·         Chapped Lips – It will moisturize those luscious lips and apparently coconut oil has a SPF of about 4!  
There are many other uses of Coconut Oil, as I have said these are just the ones that we have used and that work. If you have used Coconut Oil for something not listed above and it worked we would love to hear about it! 

Saturday 19 January 2013

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins!

These puppies are currently in the oven! I cannot wait to try them and let you all know how they turned out! 
Why Paleo? Well a lot of reasons, in which I could go on forever but I'll do that at another time....Chris and I mainly eat Paleo because we feel good eating this way. I don't get bloated or feel blah. Chris is also a competitive cross fit athlete, which he will be posting about very soon and they typically follow this type of diet. I will be posting the results of the muffins tomorrow as today we are off to my nephews 3rd birthday party with his momma's birthday celebrations to follow!! January is a Big Birthday Month for us, as yesterday was my fathers Birthday, my nephew and my mother share the same birthday(21st) and it is Chris's Birthday at the end of the month! A few cousins and Uncles also celebrate their Birthday this Month :)

The muffins turned out great! I found the recipe on Pinterest Paleo Pumpkin Muffins
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp table salt
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
(make sure it is 100%pure pumpkin as some of the canned pumpkin has added ingredients!)
6 eggs
4 tbsp cold-pressed coconut oil, melted
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup walnut halves (optional)
1/4 cup dark chocolate pieces (optional)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl. In another bowl, add pumpkin the mix in one egg at a time. Proceed to add the rest of the wet ingredients then add your dry mixture to your wet mixture. Fill muffin pan 2/3 full. Bake for 18-22mins or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Makes 12 muffins.

We did not have maple syrup so I used honey and I also used 85% dark chocolate. These are paleo muffins, so they are not going to rise because they do not have the yeast in them like traditional muffins. I will differently be making these again and the only thing I would do differently is add a tad more of the spices. I hope you all enjoy this recipe and please let us know how you like them :)

Friday 18 January 2013

Red and Green Salad

Here is another delicious salad combo that I just came up with. The inspiration behind this red and green salad was the beets we had bought from the farmers market. 

The base of the salad consists of Spinach and Parsley. On top we have Celery, Cucumber, Red pepper, and thinly sliced Beets! The dressing (which makes for two people) is half an Avocado, half of the juice from a Lime, 1tsp of Palm sugar(optional) and sea salt and pepper to taste! I am currently enjoying this salad as we speak :)

Baked Chicken and Beet Salad

Even if you are not a big Beet fan you are going to love this salad! This has become my new favorite salad to eat. I wish I came up with this myself but I have not, I found it on So whats in this pretty little dish that feeds 3-4people...

3 Beets peeled and cut up into little cubes. Then place in a pot, cover with water and boil for 30minutes or until tender when forked. 
While that is boiling you can wash and cut up Swiss Chard. I also added Kale. 
When the beets are almost done you can start cooking your bacon. The recipe called for 6 strips but I only had 3 leftover and it was a perfect amount. When the bacon is done, remove and take your drained beets and toss them in the pan. Now add your greens and 1 cup of frozen peas. Pat your bacon and and chop up into bite-sized pieces then add to pan. Stir around until greens are slightly cooked. Serve hot and enjoy!

We paired baked chicken thighs with our salad. I had already eaten a chicken thigh before taking the picture :p

Detox Salad

Colorful and Yummy! 

So whats in it you say? 
Spinach, Parsley, Cilantro, Kale and Swiss Chard make up the base of the salad. 
Cucumber, Celery, Orange pepper, Carrots, Peas and Almonds are added on top. 
Avocado, Blackberries and an Orange and a Lime were all pureed to make the dressing!

Monday 7 January 2013

Avocados (Nutrition)

Nutrition...what is it? Is it merely just the food we shove in our mouths? Well for the most part yes, however proper nutrition, the key to living a healthy lifestyle goes beyond that. You need to understand what nutrition is and everything that it encompasses. Chris and I have always been health conscious, especially over the past few years. However now it is not just "us", we have our amazing daughter and we want her to grow and be as healthy as she possibly can. This has made us even more conscious of our decisions, monkey see, monkey do as the saying goes.

We will discuss what nutrition is and how it effects your mind and body. We shall also provide some recipes that we use and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.